Ball Rolling APP STORE Application

Ball Rolling APP STORE Application

A simple yet addictive mobile game published to the IOS App Store.

Ball Rolling stands as a testament to innovation and creativity, by far being one of my most ambitious and complex projects undertaken at only 15 years old. blending the power of Unity, C#, Xcode, and Figma to deliver an exhilarating gaming experience for iOS users. As the developer behind this captivating game, I embarked on a journey to create my first IOS application to be published to the app store and decided to do so in the form of a simplistic yet addictive mobile game.

At its core, Ball Rolling puts players in control of a rolling ball, challenging them to navigate through a maze of slabs and obstacles. With intuitive and simple controls and dynamic gameplay mechanics, players must master the art of timing and precision to jump over obstacles and reach the end of each randomly generated level.

One of the greatest aspects of this application was its uniqueness, in that each player was provided with procedurally generated levels that meant no two players would have the same experience with the game.

One of the standout features of Ball Rolling is its visual design, brought to life through intricately designed assets created using Figma and Photoshop. From vibrant environments to detailed obstacles, every element of the game was meticulously crafted to immerse players in a captivating world of rolling adventure. Similarly, I was tasked with using a number of real world objects to create the many sound effects the game utilised.

Moreover, Ball Rolling seamlessly integrates with the iOS ecosystem, thanks to its development using Unity and Xcode. This allows for smooth performance, optimal compatibility, and efficient storage of user save data, ensuring a seamless gaming experience for players on iOS devices.

The journey from development to publication on the iOS App Store was a rewarding experience, showcasing the culmination of hard work, creativity, and technical expertise. Ball Rolling has captivated players worldwide, earning acclaim by the many who downloaded and completed it.

Click here to see a video created by a popular youtuber on the game.

Click here to access the application on the App Store.